Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Product idea

For my product, I wanted to incorporate several ideas that have influenced my life in college. First and foremost, I believe drinking might be one of the biggest influences in college thus far. The second and probably just as important is going to parties and blasting music. So for my product, I am choosing to do an alcoholic beverage that incorporates the music we listen to and it can be all types. But to start it all off, I am choosing to do a tribute to one of the greatest rap groups to every live, N.W.A. My product will be called. L.W.A- "liquor with atitude." The basic concept of the product is that they will be a 24 oz beverage with an mp3 built into the can. Every sip you take of the drink you will hear a piece of the song. So while you drink, you can jam out with your friends and get drunk enough to start creating your own raps to bump to while you party.

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